Me and Discover & Be

by Will, Year 6

When Sheila first arrived at my house I started to panic. I was worried because I struggled with my learning back then and I didn’t want her to think I was stupid. However as soon as the sessions began she grabbed a game out of her bag and we played Dobble. I had never played this game before, but I enjoyed it. Even now a year and a half later, we still play this game. In fact we played it 5 minutes ago and it’s still just as fun.

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Very quickly I felt relaxed and looked forward to my sessions every week. I could ask Sheila to go over things with me that I was finding hard at school. I felt more confident in the classroom and I felt more ready for challenges at school.

In the run up to the SATs having a tutor was really helpful. We practised fractions, decimals, algebra, how to do a reading comprehension and exam technique. I used all this when I did my SATs and I felt ready to take them.

I would recommend tutoring to my friends because you learn the hardest things in a fun way. I am really looking forward to starting secondary school now.

Will, Year 6

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