Online tuition during lockdown: how does it work?

There have been many significant changes made to every day life during the Covid-19 lockdown. For many people it has meant having to attempt to home-school their children whilst juggling work commitments, caring for younger children and any other multitude of responsibilities. 

If you’re thinking that some extra tuition from a qualified expert would be useful to your child whether because of a lack of formal schooling, because they need support in a particular subject or if they’d like to learn a new subject or skill, online tuition is the way to go.

We have been offering online tuition since the start of March, with the majority of our existing clients opting to move to this type of teaching. We were aware that learning online may have felt different and a bit odd for pupils initially, but we also knew that children can adapt to new situations incredibly well. We are pleased to say our beliefs were borne out and both our tutors and students are reporting great success.


We trialled 'Zoom' as an online meeting platform and we recommended this to our tutors if they hadn’t already found a preferred online platform. However, we know that some tutors and their pupils are using Skype and FaceTime, also with great success.

If you’ve not already tried Zoom for social or work calls, we can assure you that it’s easy to use. Here’s how we use it for online tuition:

  • You tutor sends a Zoom link to your email address

  • Click on the link to begin the 'meeting' and click on computer audio and video

  • You begin the lesson! 

We do ask that tutors say ‘hi’ to a parent or responsible adult at the beginning of each lesson and you or your tutor may need to adjust the volume or camera angle initially to make sure that things run as smoothly as possible.

Younger children may need more parental input initially but we know from experience that they quickly get used to how their session will work. 

It’s also a good idea if you can make yourselves available at the end of the session, if possible, so that tutors can give you some brief feedback.


One of the fantastic benefits of online tuition is the flexibility; our tutors are available throughout the day and into the evenings. 

Whenever any tuition takes place, whether face-to-face or online, safeguarding is paramount. Needless to say all our tutors are DBS checked. We also have a specific online tutoring Safeguarding policy which all our tutors are familiar with.

So, whether you’re looking for some help with home-learning during lockdown or you’re interested in ongoing tuition for your child, do get in touch. We offer flexible arrangements, so if you no longer require tuition once school is back it won’t be a problem.

Get in touch with either Sheila (07980 565632) for academic tuition or Rhiannon (07472 521161) for music and instrumental lessons. Alternatively drop us an email to