Discover & Be at home: African adventure

It's cold outside this week, so why don't we take ourselves off to enjoy the African sun? 

First up we have these impressive African-style necklaces, made from paper plates.

All you’ll need are some large paper plates, some scissors and either paints, crayons, pencils or felt tips. Of course, there’s no limits to your customisation, so why not add pasta, sequins, pipe cleaners or anything else you have at home! This creative idea is from GreenKidCrafts.

Sticking with the paper-plate idea, here’s a cute giraffe made with the help of a few materials including paint, googly eyes, paper and glue.

Of course, you could change the animal to an elephant, zebra (as we made in our session this week) or rhino depending on how creative you’re feeling! Thanks for IHeartCraftyThings for this crafty fun.

So you’re on your African safari, and what do you need to see all those animals? Binoculars! Remember to keep your toilet roll tubes so you can make this one.

We think you could use any tape you have if you don’t have the washi tape as ArtsCrackers suggest, so don’t let that put you off! ArtsCrackers have suggested a whole host of safari-related ideas so check out their site.

This idea is fab as it combines both a small world with some play dough. What more could you want?!

africa playdo jungle.jpg

NurtureStore have even used broccoli in this suggestion, which might even make it more attractive at meal-times!

This African mask activity is probably better for slightly older children but it can be adapted depending on your child’s age and abilities.

You’ll also need some items that you may not readily have such as raffia or a hole punch but the rest of the materials you’re likely to have at home. Thanks Art.Paper.Scissors.Glue!

Did you like hearing the story of Handa’s Surprise? It’s a great way to discuss different fruits as well as introduce children to a different culture. You can buy a copy for yourselves here

How about one or two other ideas for Africa-related kids’ books? Recently published as a board book is How to Hide a Lion which you may know as the paperback version. Whilst not strictly African, it does feature the iconic African lion and is all about something we love very much at Discover & Be: friendships.

And moving to another iconic African animal: the zebra. This is a Greedy Zebra, and one who lives in Africa. This story tells of how the zebra came to be covered in black and white stripes and is part of a charming series about African animals including the Lazy LionHot HippoCrafty ChameleonLaughing Giraffe and others!

We hope you enjoyed your time on safari. More activity ideas on a different theme coming soon! Why not sign up to our emails to hear when the next Discover & Be at home ideas are posted?